
Showing posts from December, 2017


As parents,you are the most concerned about your child's well-being. What they eat, how much they eat, and how often they eat. As parents this is what is going on in your minds almost all the time. Here, i would like to emphasize on how nutrition is essential for your child's immunity. Do you know that NUTRITION is the science of food;the nutrient and the substances there in, their action, interaction and balance in relation to health and diseases. Also NUTRITION can be described as the scientific study of food and its relation to health. While IMMUNITY is the condition or state in which a person can resist a disease. To this we can see that a good nutrition in a child will help to boost the state of immunity of that particular child and reverse is the case for a poor or improper NUTRITION i.e a poor NUTRITION will yield a poor IMMUNITY. Ensuring complete NUTRITION for the children is a universal concern for all parents. From the moment you become a mother and a father, the ...


Nutrition which is the science that interprets the interaction of nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and disease of an organism is essential in the growth and development of a child. Nutrition plays a pivotal role in how kids grow up, which is why parents are most concerned about what their children eat, and how much of it they eat. Childhood growth does not end once toddlerhood arrives. Kids continue to grow at a rate of between two and three inches per year until puberty. Another rapid period of growth occurs in early to mid-adolescence, coinciding with hormonal changes and other developmental milestones. If a child lacks poor nutrition during this period, it can have an affect well into adulthood. A child who does not receive enough vitamins and minerals will be shorter and weaker than one who eats properly. Though growth depends partially on genetics, nutrition also plays a major role. Nutrition affects the intellectu...


Weaning is crucial in the lives of every baby. It is a period where there is need for an introduction of semi-solid food to a baby along with breastfeeding. This takes place after the first 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding. This is because the nutrient derived from the breastmilk of the mother is not sufficient and adequate enough to meet the nutritional requirement of such baby after 6 months of age, due to growth change in physiological condition of such child. At this point in time, a baby is placed on complimentary diet, so as to compliment the nutrient derived from breastmilk. So, complimentary feeding should start not during the first 6 months of the baby's life, but after the first 6 months. The first 6 months should be only exclusive breastfeeding and introduction of any other food should be avoid during this period. Parents and caregivers should keep this in mind.  Despite the fact that there are several complimentary foods in the market that you can buy for your b...