
Showing posts from February, 2020

Food Jags in Children; What Can be Done?

What is the term food jag? Food jags refer to the practice of eating just one food over time. Another name for food jag is food refusal or aversion. Food jag can also be referred to as when a child decides to limit his/herself to some set of preferred food. Healthy living involves consuming a wide variety of nutritious food in the right amount. Children that are picky in nature tend to develop the habit of consuming a particular food item every day and that can result to lacking some important nutrients needed for their development. Now, what are the consequences of children having food jags? If a child is addicted to consuming a particular food item for a long time, it can result in malnutrition. The child cannot get all the required nutrient needed by the body in the right proportion from just one food item. And when a child is malnourished, it lowers the immune system of such a child, making such a child vulnerable to disease. Such children might grow up to be junk eaters...

What to do When Your Child Won't Eat

According to Research Gate, Food Refusal is a severe feeding problem in which children refuse to eat all or most foods presented and exhibit problems with growth. Children need to consume the right amounts and kinds of nutrients to grow well, maintain a healthy weight, prevent tooth decay, develop a strong immune system, and avoid some developmental and behavioral problems. When there is food refusal, a child will not be able to achieve this. In children, food refusal is a common problem that if ignored, can lead to health and psychological problems. Not only can food refusal have consequences for the child’s diet, weight, and nutritional status, but it can also lead to a great deal of anxiety and stress for the child and the family. As a parent, If you are in this situation (trying to force your child to eat), you will agree with me that food refusal is one of the most frustrating things a parent can go through with their child. The stress of not knowing if the child is receiving...