Helping an Overweight Child- Parents Responsibilities (Part I )

Being overweight makes children develop health problems, such as type II Diabetes Mellitus, asthma, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Some overweight children are constant victims of teasing, bullying, depression, and low self-esteem. Helping an overweight is not only important but also lifesaving.

No parent wants her child to be sick. No parent wants her child to feel like an outcast in social situations, or be teased or bullied because of being overweight. Therefore, addressing weight challenges in children requires a coordinated plan of physical activities and healthy nutrition. Parents should not only wish for a healthy weight but must be actively involved in charting the course of their children toward it. The following actionable steps can guide parents in providing the necessary assistance for their overweight children in establishing and sustaining healthy eating habits.

Since children are good learners and often duplicate what they see, be good role models by consuming healthy foods and drinks.

Besides reducing the number of foods, drinks, and snacks that are high in salt, sugar, and fat, get your child to consume healthier foods such as; fruits, vegetables, whole grain, lean meat, poultry, beans, fish, egg, water instead of soda and other carbonated drinks.
Rather than serving large portions of food and drinks, start with a smaller amount and let your child ask for more if still hungry.

High-calorie foods and drinks should be kept out of sight or not being bought. Instead, put healthy foods and drinks where they can be easily seen.

Eating in front of the television should be discouraged as this can enhance the excessive consumption of food by the child.

To enhance effective monitoring of their food consumption, avoid letting the overweight child eat where they cannot be seen such as in their bedroom. The objective is to slow or halt unhealthy weight gain, thereby allowing your child to grow into a healthy weight.

Parental effort in assisting overweight children will not only lead to the attainment of healthy weight but will also prevent depression, anxiety, and unhealthy social stigmatizations that are uncalled for. It can further help the child to assume a dominant positive outlook which makes life enjoyable.

Remember, the development of healthy eating habits must be followed by a well-arranged plan of physical activity. How can this be successfully done by parents? This will be treated in the second part of this article.
